Man Using Computer to Edit Video

Video marketing is the use of videos to promote your product or service. These videos come in various forms, such as vlogs (video blogs), tutorials, reviews, Q&As, webinars, and more. You might wonder about the role of video in digital marketing. How can videos help you market your business better online? The short answer is that videos offer an additional way to reach an increasingly digital consumer base. Video marketing is steadily growing and becoming a major marketing and promotional tool across a vast array of industries. 


Here are some specific reasons why video marketing is such a powerful tool.


Your Audience (Probably) Prefers to Consume Video Content

Marketing is all about reaching your target audience. If you want to do that, you need to produce video content. Today’s consumers are increasingly tech-savvy and less inclined to read written content. Videos take all the research and grunt work away from your customers, simplifying the selection of a product or service. The use of video content can boost your conversion rates by 80%!


Video Gives You an SEO Boost

Search engines such as Google use a specially designed algorithm to rank websites. Video content offers a huge boost for your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) ranking. Websites with videos are 50 times more likely to be a frontrunner on the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) than traditional webpages. Plus, video content is far more likely than written posts to be liked, commented on, and shared.


Video Improves Brand Equity and Trust

Video is a powerful medium when it comes to building trust, eliciting emotion, and forming a sense of connection with your target audience. Today’s consumers want to feel a connection with the companies and brands they use. They also want to feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves. Video marketing has the power to do that. Fostering a connection with your audience also builds trust. Some of the best content for building trust are rhetorical appeal videos, promotional videos, and social media content for mobile devices that will be spread from friend to friend, family to family.


Video Can Transform Your Email Marketing

Email marketing can be a highly effective way to promote your product or service, maintain loyal customers, and put out special offers. Adding video to your email marketing significantly increases the opening rate on your emails. Plus, engaging video content is far more likely to catch the attention of your target audience than simple text.


Video is Sharable

Video formats are highly shareable, especially when posted on social media. Studies show that image-rich content, such as video, is more likely to be shared. One thing to keep in mind as you create your videos: content that evokes positive emotion is shared much more than content that evokes negative emotions. Examples of positive emotions to shoot for are anticipation, curiosity, trust, and joy. Funny videos are also frequently shared.


Video Differentiates You From Your Competitors

Currently, 63% of businesses use video content in their marketing strategy. Simply producing marketing videos will put you ahead of 37% of the competition. Beyond that, promotional videos can be a powerful source of branding and brand recognition, especially if you can develop clever, highly memorable content. Because videos trigger more than one sense, they are much more impactful than other media types.


Video Improves Brand Recall

If you want people to remember your business, utilize video marketing. Statistics show that 80% of people can remember video content for several months. That is well above average retention rates for what people read. The more video content associated with your brand that you can put out there, the more recognizable your brand will be. Consumers are far more likely to go with recognized brands, making branding one of the most valuable marketing tools at your disposal. And because videos are so memorable, video content is one of the most valuable branding tools.



Few marketing tools are as impactful as video content, especially with the prevalence of social media. Video marketing will transform your marketing strategy, giving it that extra boost and memorable touch so vital to brand recall, email marketing, personalization, and Search Engine Optimization. If you want to pull ahead of the competition, creating compelling video content is a great place to start. For your video marketing to be truly transformative, a video marketing agency can help you get started. Contact Monarch Social today to get started! We can help you create a professional promo video customized for your business!