How to Incorporate Video into Your Content Marketing

Businesses today thrive or wither depending on consumer attention and interest. Content marketing is a business’s lifeline! Successful marketing strategies pull customers in by connecting to and fulfilling their needs or desires. In a society largely reliant on technology for both information and entertainment, utilizing video tech as a central medium for content marketing is a business’s best bet to successful customer draw.


Why Video in Content Marketing?

Videos are especially effective in capturing attention and providing information to potential customers in aesthetic, modern, memorable ways. Moving visuals are proven to maintain visual interest in online users. Photography and videography strategically designed by graphic designers and video professionals can give consumers an intriguing insight into a product that would otherwise remain unrecognized! Look into video marketing agencies that can connect you to the professionals that will get you the effective advertising you need.


Types of Videos

The first questions to ask as you strategize how to use videos in your marketing are: 

  1. What types of videos are relevant to your business? 
  2. Which of those videos do you have the ability to create? 


Product Videos

Put your products in the spotlight by making them the star of their own video. Dedicate a video solely to the advertisement of your product’s best features. Answer the “who, what, when, why, and how” of your product: Who does your product help? What can it do to improve or enrich one’s life? When is it most useful? Why is it better than other similar products within the same market? And how can a customer access and full advantage of this product? Make your product look irresistible with commercial videography and production!



Hold a webinar to reach a broader yet specialized audience and show off your business on a slightly more personalized level. Webinars allow you to hold more educational forums for your interested consumers. A webinar can be a lecture relevant to your company vision, a workshop on something related to your business’s products or services, or any presentation that adds to your consumer’s understanding of your business and anything related to it. Webinars are a great way to get customers to spend more time with and attention on your business.



Customer reviews are one of the best ways to increase your business’s reputation and increase interest in a product (and consequently boost sales). Vlogs are an effective, personable way to familiarise customers with your products. Get happy customers to record their personal experiences and positive feelings towards your products—simply seeing the success of someone else’s experience can help potential customers visualize that success in their own lives.


Explainer Videos and Tutorials

All the instruction manuals and explanatory copy on packaging in the world will never be as effective as a video tutorial. Even for instructions written in the most straightforward language, there is wiggle room for ambiguity. Why? Interpreting texts requires a basic understanding of every term within that text. If your product is new, customers likely won’t know all the terms there. Instead of relying on manuals, consider using a video to help explain your products’ parts, processes, and uses! 


Where to Incorporate Your Videos

Next, determine which online pages should host your videos so they can be viewed and appreciated. What high-traffic platforms do you have access to? Where on those pages would be the most effective spots to place videos?



Mass email is a great way to connect personally to your consumers, especially those who have already invested in your business through email subscription! Putting videos in these emails offers an easy link to helpful, insightful information for your business.


Social Media

Social media relies on visual messages to capture and hold user attention. Videos are even more interesting to viewers than simple stagnant images—they can be comedic, stimulating, and informative, engaging sight and sound to capture attention. Use videos often in your social media posts, as they can also mix up your average informational infographic or textual post with a more interesting variety of content. Plus, social media is used more than any other online platform with significantly higher frequency, meaning your videos are most likely to be seen and saved for future use or even shared with viewer “friends” for higher exposure.


Product Pages

Put your videos directly onto the product pages that your products are sold or advertised on! Users already recognize that they can get more information with clearer delivery through videos than by searching the descriptions for answers to their questions and appealing details. Placing videos about products on relevant product pages simplifies communication with customers!



Blogs are a popular form of content consumption. They allow average consumers to seek out and receive relevant and entertaining information about any topic! Blogs help consumers make confident purchasing decisions. So why not mix in videos to your blog posts? They can maintain user attention and deepen consumer understanding of various topics.



Finally, we come to advertisements. Online ads rule the web! They pop up everywhere—sidebars, web database searches, social media, and more. Marketing gathers and analyzes data to effectively create advertisements that they can redistribute to their target audiences.


The verdict is in: video in content marketing is here to stay! There is no reason not to utilize this effective and entertaining marketing strategy. Take advantage of the many benefits of video advertising today!